I will jump right into it so here we go. I struggled with being overweight for 20 or so years. All throughout my school life I struggled with weight issues. I was blessed enough to have friends who had my back growing up so my time did not consist of much bullying, even in high school. I think in some ways this made me content with just being overweight, never mind the damage I was doing to my body, one that God designed in his image. The problem became worse through college and after as I was a regular at indulging in food that looking back was quite terrible. It was nothing for me to eat at three fast food restaurants in a day. I like many people would say "ok I am going to lose weight starting today" only to relent shortly after. The thought of exercising pained me greatly. I would rather just sit behind my computer screen and nerd it up. Its kind of funny that it takes just one event to change your whole outlook on your current state. It is now February 2011 and my good friend is getting married. The day comes for Tuxedo fittings and because of my size I have to wear a different vest than all the other guys. I mean it may not seem like a big deal to others but this hit a huge nerve with me. It was at the moment I decided that I was going to diet, I was going to change my lifestyle. I began monitoring calorie intake daily while also walking 3-4 times a week. I purchased a scale and started weighing myself every morning. A lot of people say only weigh once a week but that constant reminder of weight gain or weight loss really motivated me. I went from taking in 4 to 5k calories a day to less than 1500. One of the greatest gifts I was given during this time period was a group of friends who were not only behind me all the way but when I felt like giving up, they were at their best. We began a summer of playing basketball and beach volleyball which helped out greatly. If you are here to find a secret to losing weight I am sorry, as I dont have any real tips for you other than to drink water, eat the right foods, and don't indulge. The great part about my story is not the outside change that took place but the internal change. The group of friends I mentioned earlier were not only great help in my weight loss journey but also Godly men. A little background on me, I grew up in church, you know there every time the doors opened type thing. I like many others was not a follower of Jesus, I was a Christian Moral Therapeutic Deist. The overflowing grace of God was no where in my vocab. I quit attending church when I was probably 16 or 17 and started living life my way. It was in my journey of weight loss that God used my new found friends to rock my world. I was blind and God opened my eyes to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. My friends and I spent the summer really digging into the word and not only growing our relationship with one another but also in Jesus. I was the prodigal son for almost 10 years but the Father welcomed me home with open arms. I started out my weight loss with a goal of getting people to notice me and compliment me and ended with only wanting to glorify God in everything I did. Overeating is in no way bringing glory to God. If you struggle with this I would love to chat with you. I could continue on and maybe I will someday but I end it with this. You don't have to do anything before you call out to Jesus to be your true love, true joy and ultimately your savior. Romans 5:8 tells us that yet while we were sinners, Christ died for us. It does not say quit drinking, quit cussing, quit this or that and then Jesus will save you. His grace is overflowing, press into him and let him do work in your life. The very things you struggle with, Jesus will deal with them, and in turn you will be filled with joy, for His burden is light.
God Bless,
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